Information : Inscris-toi ou connecte-toi pour pouvoir participer aux forums d'Olissea. [EN] Country list translation | | JeromeJ
posté le 06/11/2012 à 19h11 Légende vivante | Hello Olissean
If someone is willing to translate this country list in English (partially or not), it'd be really welcomed ^^
(Of course you only have to translate the right part )
DONE, thank you everyone
List of countries in French:
… Done !
Note: You'll have to post two times as the full list is wider than the max 5000 characters allowed … sorry about that ^^
Note 2: The code tag used is PHP (for the syntax highlighting). "Olissea en force | (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Hmm… ಠ_ಠ | Vertuous circles ☺" | lola posté le 06/11/2012 à 21h49 Indécis | 'Most chosen countries' => array( 'belgique' => 'Belgium', 'canada' => 'Canada', 'france' => 'France', 'suisse' => 'Switzerland' ), 'Africa' => array( 'afriqueDuSud' => 'South Africa', 'algerie' => 'Algeria', 'angola' => 'Angola', 'benin' => 'Benin', 'botswana' => 'Botswana', 'burkina' => 'Burkina', 'burundi' => 'Burundi', 'cameroun' => 'Cameroon', 'capVert' => 'Cape Verde', 'republiqueCentre-Africaine' => 'Central African Republic', 'comores' => 'The Comoros', 'republiqueDemocratiqueDuCongo' => 'Democratic Republic of the Congo', 'congo' => 'Congo', 'coteIvoire' => 'Ivory Coast', 'djibouti' => 'Djibouti', 'egypte' => 'Egypt', 'ethiopie' => 'Ethiopia', 'erythrée' => 'Eritrea', 'gabon' => 'Gabon', 'gambie' => 'Gambia', 'ghana' => 'Ghana', 'guinee' => 'Guinea', 'guinee-Bisseau' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'guineeEquatoriale' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'kenya' => 'Kenya', 'lesotho' => 'Lesotho', 'liberia' => 'Liberia', 'libye' => 'Libya', 'madagascar' => 'Madagascar', 'malawi' => 'Malawi', 'mali' => 'Mali', 'maroc' => 'Morocco', 'maurice' => 'Maurice', 'mauritanie' => 'Mauritania', 'mozambique' => 'Mozambique', 'namibie' => 'Namibia', 'niger' => 'Niger', 'nigeria' => 'Nigeria', 'ouganda' => 'Ouganda', 'rwanda' => 'Rwanda', 'saoTomeEtPrincipe' => 'Sao Tomé and Principe', 'senegal' => 'Senegal', 'seychelles' => 'Seychelles', 'sierra' => 'Sierra', 'somalie' => 'Somalia', 'soudan' => 'Sudan', 'swaziland' => 'Swaziland', 'tanzanie' => 'Tanzania', 'tchad' => 'Chad', 'togo' => 'Togo', 'tunisie' => 'Tunisia', 'zambie' => 'Zambia', 'zimbabwe' => 'Zimbabwe' ))
EDIT de JeromeJ: Voilà j'ai édité quelques noms, merci beaucoup attention toutefois d'essayer de ne pas trop faire de fautes car il s'agit de me faire gagner du temps, faut pas que je repasse après vous.
EDIT by JeromeJ: Here we go, I edited a few names, thanks a lot be aware though to try to avoid making mistakes because the goal is to make me saving some times so that i shouldn't have to check it twice. | JeromeJ
posté le 12/11/2012 à 21h01 Légende vivante | Here we go
I found a pretty and quick solution in PHP to save a lot of time.
Though it's not perfect.
Here is the code:
foreach($pays AS $continent => $l) { foreach($l AS $code => $name) { preg_match('#en\.wikipedia\.org/wiki/([^"]+)#', file_get_contents(''.$name), $url); $pays[$continent][$code] = $url[1]; } } echo '<pre>',var_export($pays, true),'</pre>';
But here is the result, not perfect as I said, but the correction will be easy so the work is half done
array ( 'Amérique' => array ( 'antiguaEtBarbuda' => 'Antigua_and_Barbuda', 'argentine' => 'Argentina', 'bahamas' => 'The_Bahamas', 'barbade' => 'Barbados', 'belize' => 'Belize', 'bolivie' => 'Mining_in_Bolivia', 'bresil' => NULL, 'canada' => NULL, 'chili' => 'Chile', 'colombie' => 'Federal_Research_Division', 'costaRica' => NULL, 'cuba' => 'Cuba', 'republiqueDominicaine' => NULL, 'dominique' => 'Dominic', 'equateur' => NULL, 'etatsUnis' => NULL, 'grenade' => 'Grenade_(disambiguation)', 'guatemala' => 'Guatemala', 'guyana' => 'Guyana', 'haiti' => NULL, 'honduras' => 'Honduras', 'jamaique' => NULL, 'mexique' => 'SS_Potrero_del_Llano', 'nicaragua' => 'Nicaragua', 'panama' => 'Panama', 'paraguay' => 'Paraguay', 'perou' => NULL, 'saintCristopheEtNieves' => NULL, 'sainteLucie' => 'Saint_Lucia', 'saintVincentEtLesGrenadines' => 'Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines', 'salvador' => 'Universidad_Centroamericana_%C2%AB_Jos%C3%A9_Sime%C3%B3n_Ca%C3%B1as_%C2%BB', 'suriname' => 'Suriname', 'triniteEtTobago' => NULL, 'uruguay' => 'Celulosa_Arauco_y_Constituci%C3%B3n', 'venezuela' => 'Venezuela', ), 'Asie' => array ( 'afghanistan' => 'Afghanistan', 'arabieSaoudite' => NULL, 'armenie' => NULL, 'azerbaidjan' => NULL, 'bahrein' => NULL, 'bangladesh' => 'Jagjit_Singh_Aurora', 'bhoutan' => NULL, 'birmanie' => 'Siddharth_Varadarajan', 'brunei' => NULL, 'cambodge' => 'Cambodia', 'chine' => 'Pan_Yue', 'coreeDuSud' => NULL, 'coreeDuNord' => NULL, 'emiratsArabeUnis' => NULL, 'georgie' => NULL, 'inde' => 'Sudhir_Mishra', 'indonesie' => NULL, 'iraq' => 'Iraq', 'iran' => 'Iran', 'israel' => NULL, 'japon' => 'Japan', 'jordanie' => 'Islamic_New_Year', 'kazakhstan' => 'Kazakhstan', 'kirghistan' => NULL, 'koweit' => NULL, 'laos' => 'Laos', 'liban' => 'Lebanon', 'malaisie' => 'Malaysia', 'maldives' => 'Maldives', 'mongolie' => 'Mongolia', 'nepal' => NULL, 'oman' => 'Oman', 'ouzbekistan' => NULL, 'pakistan' => 'Pakistan', 'philippines' => 'taglish', 'qatar' => 'Qatar', 'singapour' => 'Media_Development_Authority', 'sriLanka' => NULL, 'syrie' => NULL, 'tadjikistan' => 'Karshi-Khanabad', 'taiwan' => NULL, 'thailande' => NULL, 'timorOriental' => NULL, 'turkmenistan' => NULL, 'turquie' => 'George_Horton', 'vietNam' => NULL, 'yemen' => 'Yemen', ), 'Europe' => array ( 'allemagne' => 'Germany', 'albanie' => 'Albania', 'andorre' => NULL, 'autriche' => 'ASFINAG', 'bielorussie' => NULL, 'belgique' => 'Belgium', 'bosnieHerzegovine' => NULL, 'bulgarie' => 'Bulgaria', 'croatie' => 'Anthony_Francis_Lucas', 'danemark' => 'Denmark', 'espagne' => 'Spain', 'estonie' => 'Estonia', 'finlande' => 'Finland', 'france' => NULL, 'grece' => NULL, 'hongrie' => 'Dobos_torte', 'irlande' => 'Ireland_(disambiguation)', 'islande' => 'Iceland', 'italie' => 'Italy', 'lettonie' => 'Latvia', 'liechtenstein' => 'Liechtenstein', 'lituanie' => 'Lithuania', 'luxembourg' => 'Luxembourg_(disambiguation)', 'exRepubliqueYougoslaveDeMacedoine' => NULL, 'malte' => 'Malta', 'moldavie' => 'Moldova', 'monaco' => 'Philip_Green', 'norvege' => NULL, 'paysBas' => 'Netherlands', 'pologne' => 'Poland', 'portugal' => 'Portuguese_Malacca', 'roumanie' => 'Romania', 'royaumeUni' => 'Slave_Trade_Act', 'russie' => 'Russia', 'saintMarin' => 'San_Marino', 'serbieEtMontenegro' => NULL, 'slovaquie' => 'Slovakia', 'slovenie' => NULL, 'suede' => NULL, 'suisse' => 'Switzerland', 'republiqueTcheque' => NULL, 'ukraine' => 'Ukraine', 'vatican' => 'Vatican_City', ), 'Océanie' => array ( 'australie' => 'Eureka_Rebellion', 'fidji' => 'Fiji', 'kiribati' => 'Kiribati', 'marshall' => 'Marshall', 'micronesie' => NULL, 'nauru' => 'Nauru', 'nouvelleZelande' => NULL, 'palaos' => 'Palau', 'papouasieNouvelleGuinee' => NULL, 'salomon' => 'Salomon', 'samoa' => 'Samoa', 'tonga' => 'Tonga', 'tuvalu' => 'Tuvalu', 'vanuatu' => 'Vanuatu', ), ) "Olissea en force | (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Hmm… ಠ_ಠ | Vertuous circles ☺" | JeromeJ
posté le 12/11/2012 à 22h25 Légende vivante | Here is the correction, fffiou, Asia was hard lol
'America' => array( 'antiguaEtBarbuda' => 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'argentine' => 'Argentina', 'bahamas' => 'The Bahamas', 'barbade' => 'Barbados', 'belize' => 'Belize', 'bolivie' => 'Bolivia', 'bresil' => 'Brazil', 'canada' => 'Canada', 'chili' => 'Chile', 'colombie' => 'Colombia', 'costaRica' => 'Costa Rica', 'cuba' => 'Cuba', 'republiqueDominicaine' => 'Dominican Republic', 'dominique' => 'Dominic', 'equateur' => 'Ecuador', 'etatsUnis' => 'United States', 'grenade' => 'Grenada', 'guatemala' => 'Guatemala', 'guyana' => 'Guyana', 'haiti' => 'Haiti', 'honduras' => 'Honduras', 'jamaique' => 'Jamaica', 'mexique' => 'Mexico', 'nicaragua' => 'Nicaragua', 'panama' => 'Panama', 'paraguay' => 'Paraguay', 'perou' => 'Peru', 'saintCristopheEtNieves' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'sainteLucie' => 'Saint Lucia', 'saintVincentEtLesGrenadines' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'salvador' => 'El Salvador', 'suriname' => 'Suriname', 'triniteEtTobago' => 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'uruguay' => 'Uruguay', 'venezuela' => 'Venezuela', ), 'Asia' => array( 'afghanistan' => 'Afghanistan', 'arabieSaoudite' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'armenie' => 'Armenia', 'azerbaidjan' => 'Azerbaijan', 'bahrein' => 'Bahrain', 'bangladesh' => 'Bengladesh', 'bhoutan' => 'Bhutan', 'birmanie' => 'Burma', 'brunei' => 'Brunei', 'cambodge' => 'Cambodia', 'chine' => 'China', 'coreeDuSud' => 'South Korea', 'coreeDuNord' => 'North Korea', 'emiratsArabeUnis' => 'United Arabe Emirates', 'georgie' => 'Georgia', 'inde' => 'India', 'indonesie' => 'Indonesia', 'iraq' => 'Iraq', 'iran' => 'Iran', 'israel' => 'Israel', 'japon' => 'Japan', 'jordanie' => 'Jordan', 'kazakhstan' => 'Kazakhstan', 'kirghistan' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'koweit' => 'Kuwait', 'laos' => 'Laos', 'liban' => 'Lebanon', 'malaisie' => 'Malaysia', 'maldives' => 'Maldives', 'mongolie' => 'Mongolia', 'nepal' => 'Nepal', 'oman' => 'Oman', 'ouzbekistan' => 'Uzbekistan', 'pakistan' => 'Pakistan', 'philippines' => 'Philippines', 'qatar' => 'Qatar', 'singapour' => 'Singapore', 'sriLanka' => 'Sri Lanka', 'syrie' => 'Syria', 'tadjikistan' => 'Tajikistan', 'taiwan' => 'Taiwan', 'thailande' => 'Thailand', 'timorOriental' => 'East Timor', 'turkmenistan' => 'Turkmenistan', 'turquie' => 'Turkey', 'vietNam' => 'Vietnam', 'yemen' => 'Yemen', ), 'Europe' => array( 'allemagne' => 'Germany', 'albanie' => 'Albania', 'andorre' => 'Andorra', 'autriche' => 'Austria', 'bielorussie' => 'Belarus', 'belgique' => 'Belgium', 'bosnieHerzegovine' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'bulgarie' => 'Bulgaria', 'croatie' => 'Croatia', 'danemark' => 'Denmark', 'espagne' => 'Spain', 'estonie' => 'Estonia', 'finlande' => 'Finland', 'france' => 'France', 'grece' => 'Greece', 'hongrie' => 'Hungary', 'irlande' => 'Ireland', 'islande' => 'Iceland', 'italie' => 'Italy', 'lettonie' => 'Latvia', 'liechtenstein' => 'Liechtenstein', 'lituanie' => 'Lithuania', 'luxembourg' => 'Luxembourg', 'exRepubliqueYougoslaveDeMacedoine' => 'Republic of Macedonia', 'malte' => 'Malta', 'moldavie' => 'Moldova', 'monaco' => 'Monaco', 'norvege' => 'Norway', 'paysBas' => 'Netherlands', 'pologne' => 'Poland', 'portugal' => 'Portugal', 'roumanie' => 'Romania', 'royaumeUni' => 'United Kingdom', 'russie' => 'Russia', 'saintMarin' => 'San Marino', 'serbieEtMontenegro' => 'Serbia and Montenegro', 'slovaquie' => 'Slovakia', 'slovenie' => 'Slovenia', 'suede' => 'Sweden', 'suisse' => 'Switzerland', 'republiqueTcheque' => 'Czech Republic', 'ukraine' => 'Ukraine', 'vatican' => 'Vatican City', ), 'Océanie' => array( 'australie' => 'Australia', 'fidji' => 'Fiji', 'kiribati' => 'Kiribati', 'marshall' => 'Marshall', 'micronesie' => 'Federated States of Micronesia', 'nauru' => 'Nauru', 'nouvelleZelande' => 'New Zealand', 'palaos' => 'Palau', 'papouasieNouvelleGuinee' => 'Papua new guinea', 'salomon' => 'Salomon', 'samoa' => 'Samoa', 'tonga' => 'Tonga', 'tuvalu' => 'Tuvalu', 'vanuatu' => 'Vanuatu', ),
Then just apply a asort on it to sort it and conserving the keys (php)
PS: I know my PHP Code in the previous post wasn't perfect, that wasn't the goal. I wrote it in 2 min max. "Olissea en force | (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Hmm… ಠ_ಠ | Vertuous circles ☺" | Page : 1 | | |