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[EN] Country list translation
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[Avatar de JeromeJ]
posted on
11-06-2012 at 7:11 pm
Légende vivante
[Answer already read]
Hello Olissean :D

If someone is willing to translate this country list in English (partially or not), it'd be really welcomed ^^

(Of course you only have to translate the right part ;))

DONE, thank you everyone :)

List of countries in French:
… Done !

Note: You'll have to post two times as the full list is wider than the max 5000 characters allowed … sorry about that ^^

Note 2: The code tag used is PHP (for the syntax highlighting).
"Olissea en force | (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Hmm… ಠ_ಠ | Vertuous circles ☺"
posted on
11-06-2012 at 9:49 pm
[Answer already read]
'Most chosen countries' => array(
'belgique' => 'Belgium',
'canada' => 'Canada',
'france' => 'France',
'suisse' => 'Switzerland'
'Africa' => array(
'afriqueDuSud' => 'South Africa',
'algerie' => 'Algeria',
'angola' => 'Angola',
'benin' => 'Benin',
'botswana' => 'Botswana',
'burkina' => 'Burkina',
'burundi' => 'Burundi',
'cameroun' => 'Cameroon',
'capVert' => 'Cape Verde',
'republiqueCentre-Africaine' => 'Central African Republic',
'comores' => 'The Comoros',
'republiqueDemocratiqueDuCongo' => 'Democratic Republic of the Congo',
'congo' => 'Congo',
'coteIvoire' => 'Ivory Coast',
'djibouti' => 'Djibouti',
'egypte' => 'Egypt',
'ethiopie' => 'Ethiopia',
'erythrée' => 'Eritrea',
'gabon' => 'Gabon',
'gambie' => 'Gambia',
'ghana' => 'Ghana',
'guinee' => 'Guinea',
'guinee-Bisseau' => 'Guinea-Bissau',
'guineeEquatoriale' => 'Equatorial Guinea',
'kenya' => 'Kenya',
'lesotho' => 'Lesotho',
'liberia' => 'Liberia',
'libye' => 'Libya',
'madagascar' => 'Madagascar',
'malawi' => 'Malawi',
'mali' => 'Mali',
'maroc' => 'Morocco',
'maurice' => 'Maurice',
'mauritanie' => 'Mauritania',
'mozambique' => 'Mozambique',
'namibie' => 'Namibia',
'niger' => 'Niger',
'nigeria' => 'Nigeria',
'ouganda' => 'Ouganda',
'rwanda' => 'Rwanda',
'saoTomeEtPrincipe' => 'Sao Tomé and Principe',
'senegal' => 'Senegal',
'seychelles' => 'Seychelles',
'sierra' => 'Sierra',
'somalie' => 'Somalia',
'soudan' => 'Sudan',
'swaziland' => 'Swaziland',
'tanzanie' => 'Tanzania',
'tchad' => 'Chad',
'togo' => 'Togo',
'tunisie' => 'Tunisia',
'zambie' => 'Zambia',
'zimbabwe' => 'Zimbabwe'

EDIT de JeromeJ: Voilà j'ai édité quelques noms, merci beaucoup :D attention toutefois d'essayer de ne pas trop faire de fautes car il s'agit de me faire gagner du temps, faut pas que je repasse après vous.

EDIT by JeromeJ: Here we go, I edited a few names, thanks a lot :D be aware though to try to avoid making mistakes because the goal is to make me saving some times so that i shouldn't have to check it twice.
[Avatar de JeromeJ]
posted on
11-12-2012 at 9:01 pm
Légende vivante
[Answer already read]
Here we go :D

I found a pretty and quick solution in PHP to save a lot of time.
Though it's not perfect.

Here is the code:

foreach($pays AS $continent => $l)
foreach($l AS $code => $name)
preg_match('#en\.wikipedia\.org/wiki/([^"]+)#', file_get_contents('http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/'.$name), $url);
$pays[$continent][$code] = $url[1];
echo '<pre>',var_export($pays, true),'</pre>';

But here is the result, not perfect as I said, but the correction will be easy so the work is half done ;)

array (
'Amérique' =>
array (
'antiguaEtBarbuda' => 'Antigua_and_Barbuda',
'argentine' => 'Argentina',
'bahamas' => 'The_Bahamas',
'barbade' => 'Barbados',
'belize' => 'Belize',
'bolivie' => 'Mining_in_Bolivia',
'bresil' => NULL,
'canada' => NULL,
'chili' => 'Chile',
'colombie' => 'Federal_Research_Division',
'costaRica' => NULL,
'cuba' => 'Cuba',
'republiqueDominicaine' => NULL,
'dominique' => 'Dominic',
'equateur' => NULL,
'etatsUnis' => NULL,
'grenade' => 'Grenade_(disambiguation)',
'guatemala' => 'Guatemala',
'guyana' => 'Guyana',
'haiti' => NULL,
'honduras' => 'Honduras',
'jamaique' => NULL,
'mexique' => 'SS_Potrero_del_Llano',
'nicaragua' => 'Nicaragua',
'panama' => 'Panama',
'paraguay' => 'Paraguay',
'perou' => NULL,
'saintCristopheEtNieves' => NULL,
'sainteLucie' => 'Saint_Lucia',
'saintVincentEtLesGrenadines' => 'Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines',
'salvador' => 'Universidad_Centroamericana_%C2%AB_Jos%C3%A9_Sime%C3%B3n_Ca%C3%B1as_%C2%BB',
'suriname' => 'Suriname',
'triniteEtTobago' => NULL,
'uruguay' => 'Celulosa_Arauco_y_Constituci%C3%B3n',
'venezuela' => 'Venezuela',
'Asie' =>
array (
'afghanistan' => 'Afghanistan',
'arabieSaoudite' => NULL,
'armenie' => NULL,
'azerbaidjan' => NULL,
'bahrein' => NULL,
'bangladesh' => 'Jagjit_Singh_Aurora',
'bhoutan' => NULL,
'birmanie' => 'Siddharth_Varadarajan',
'brunei' => NULL,
'cambodge' => 'Cambodia',
'chine' => 'Pan_Yue',
'coreeDuSud' => NULL,
'coreeDuNord' => NULL,
'emiratsArabeUnis' => NULL,
'georgie' => NULL,
'inde' => 'Sudhir_Mishra',
'indonesie' => NULL,
'iraq' => 'Iraq',
'iran' => 'Iran',
'israel' => NULL,
'japon' => 'Japan',
'jordanie' => 'Islamic_New_Year',
'kazakhstan' => 'Kazakhstan',
'kirghistan' => NULL,
'koweit' => NULL,
'laos' => 'Laos',
'liban' => 'Lebanon',
'malaisie' => 'Malaysia',
'maldives' => 'Maldives',
'mongolie' => 'Mongolia',
'nepal' => NULL,
'oman' => 'Oman',
'ouzbekistan' => NULL,
'pakistan' => 'Pakistan',
'philippines' => 'taglish',
'qatar' => 'Qatar',
'singapour' => 'Media_Development_Authority',
'sriLanka' => NULL,
'syrie' => NULL,
'tadjikistan' => 'Karshi-Khanabad',
'taiwan' => NULL,
'thailande' => NULL,
'timorOriental' => NULL,
'turkmenistan' => NULL,
'turquie' => 'George_Horton',
'vietNam' => NULL,
'yemen' => 'Yemen',
'Europe' =>
array (
'allemagne' => 'Germany',
'albanie' => 'Albania',
'andorre' => NULL,
'autriche' => 'ASFINAG',
'bielorussie' => NULL,
'belgique' => 'Belgium',
'bosnieHerzegovine' => NULL,
'bulgarie' => 'Bulgaria',
'croatie' => 'Anthony_Francis_Lucas',
'danemark' => 'Denmark',
'espagne' => 'Spain',
'estonie' => 'Estonia',
'finlande' => 'Finland',
'france' => NULL,
'grece' => NULL,
'hongrie' => 'Dobos_torte',
'irlande' => 'Ireland_(disambiguation)',
'islande' => 'Iceland',
'italie' => 'Italy',
'lettonie' => 'Latvia',
'liechtenstein' => 'Liechtenstein',
'lituanie' => 'Lithuania',
'luxembourg' => 'Luxembourg_(disambiguation)',
'exRepubliqueYougoslaveDeMacedoine' => NULL,
'malte' => 'Malta',
'moldavie' => 'Moldova',
'monaco' => 'Philip_Green',
'norvege' => NULL,
'paysBas' => 'Netherlands',
'pologne' => 'Poland',
'portugal' => 'Portuguese_Malacca',
'roumanie' => 'Romania',
'royaumeUni' => 'Slave_Trade_Act',
'russie' => 'Russia',
'saintMarin' => 'San_Marino',
'serbieEtMontenegro' => NULL,
'slovaquie' => 'Slovakia',
'slovenie' => NULL,
'suede' => NULL,
'suisse' => 'Switzerland',
'republiqueTcheque' => NULL,
'ukraine' => 'Ukraine',
'vatican' => 'Vatican_City',
'Océanie' =>
array (
'australie' => 'Eureka_Rebellion',
'fidji' => 'Fiji',
'kiribati' => 'Kiribati',
'marshall' => 'Marshall',
'micronesie' => NULL,
'nauru' => 'Nauru',
'nouvelleZelande' => NULL,
'palaos' => 'Palau',
'papouasieNouvelleGuinee' => NULL,
'salomon' => 'Salomon',
'samoa' => 'Samoa',
'tonga' => 'Tonga',
'tuvalu' => 'Tuvalu',
'vanuatu' => 'Vanuatu',
"Olissea en force | (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Hmm… ಠ_ಠ | Vertuous circles ☺"
[Avatar de JeromeJ]
posted on
11-12-2012 at 10:25 pm
Légende vivante
[Answer already read]
Here is the correction, fffiou, Asia was hard lol

'America' => array(
'antiguaEtBarbuda' => 'Antigua and Barbuda',
'argentine' => 'Argentina',
'bahamas' => 'The Bahamas',
'barbade' => 'Barbados',
'belize' => 'Belize',
'bolivie' => 'Bolivia',
'bresil' => 'Brazil',
'canada' => 'Canada',
'chili' => 'Chile',
'colombie' => 'Colombia',
'costaRica' => 'Costa Rica',
'cuba' => 'Cuba',
'republiqueDominicaine' => 'Dominican Republic',
'dominique' => 'Dominic',
'equateur' => 'Ecuador',
'etatsUnis' => 'United States',
'grenade' => 'Grenada',
'guatemala' => 'Guatemala',
'guyana' => 'Guyana',
'haiti' => 'Haiti',
'honduras' => 'Honduras',
'jamaique' => 'Jamaica',
'mexique' => 'Mexico',
'nicaragua' => 'Nicaragua',
'panama' => 'Panama',
'paraguay' => 'Paraguay',
'perou' => 'Peru',
'saintCristopheEtNieves' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
'sainteLucie' => 'Saint Lucia',
'saintVincentEtLesGrenadines' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
'salvador' => 'El Salvador',
'suriname' => 'Suriname',
'triniteEtTobago' => 'Trinidad and Tobago',
'uruguay' => 'Uruguay',
'venezuela' => 'Venezuela',
'Asia' => array(
'afghanistan' => 'Afghanistan',
'arabieSaoudite' => 'Saudi Arabia',
'armenie' => 'Armenia',
'azerbaidjan' => 'Azerbaijan',
'bahrein' => 'Bahrain',
'bangladesh' => 'Bengladesh',
'bhoutan' => 'Bhutan',
'birmanie' => 'Burma',
'brunei' => 'Brunei',
'cambodge' => 'Cambodia',
'chine' => 'China',
'coreeDuSud' => 'South Korea',
'coreeDuNord' => 'North Korea',
'emiratsArabeUnis' => 'United Arabe Emirates',
'georgie' => 'Georgia',
'inde' => 'India',
'indonesie' => 'Indonesia',
'iraq' => 'Iraq',
'iran' => 'Iran',
'israel' => 'Israel',
'japon' => 'Japan',
'jordanie' => 'Jordan',
'kazakhstan' => 'Kazakhstan',
'kirghistan' => 'Kyrgyzstan',
'koweit' => 'Kuwait',
'laos' => 'Laos',
'liban' => 'Lebanon',
'malaisie' => 'Malaysia',
'maldives' => 'Maldives',
'mongolie' => 'Mongolia',
'nepal' => 'Nepal',
'oman' => 'Oman',
'ouzbekistan' => 'Uzbekistan',
'pakistan' => 'Pakistan',
'philippines' => 'Philippines',
'qatar' => 'Qatar',
'singapour' => 'Singapore',
'sriLanka' => 'Sri Lanka',
'syrie' => 'Syria',
'tadjikistan' => 'Tajikistan',
'taiwan' => 'Taiwan',
'thailande' => 'Thailand',
'timorOriental' => 'East Timor',
'turkmenistan' => 'Turkmenistan',
'turquie' => 'Turkey',
'vietNam' => 'Vietnam',
'yemen' => 'Yemen',
'Europe' => array(
'allemagne' => 'Germany',
'albanie' => 'Albania',
'andorre' => 'Andorra',
'autriche' => 'Austria',
'bielorussie' => 'Belarus',
'belgique' => 'Belgium',
'bosnieHerzegovine' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
'bulgarie' => 'Bulgaria',
'croatie' => 'Croatia',
'danemark' => 'Denmark',
'espagne' => 'Spain',
'estonie' => 'Estonia',
'finlande' => 'Finland',
'france' => 'France',
'grece' => 'Greece',
'hongrie' => 'Hungary',
'irlande' => 'Ireland',
'islande' => 'Iceland',
'italie' => 'Italy',
'lettonie' => 'Latvia',
'liechtenstein' => 'Liechtenstein',
'lituanie' => 'Lithuania',
'luxembourg' => 'Luxembourg',
'exRepubliqueYougoslaveDeMacedoine' => 'Republic of Macedonia',
'malte' => 'Malta',
'moldavie' => 'Moldova',
'monaco' => 'Monaco',
'norvege' => 'Norway',
'paysBas' => 'Netherlands',
'pologne' => 'Poland',
'portugal' => 'Portugal',
'roumanie' => 'Romania',
'royaumeUni' => 'United Kingdom',
'russie' => 'Russia',
'saintMarin' => 'San Marino',
'serbieEtMontenegro' => 'Serbia and Montenegro',
'slovaquie' => 'Slovakia',
'slovenie' => 'Slovenia',
'suede' => 'Sweden',
'suisse' => 'Switzerland',
'republiqueTcheque' => 'Czech Republic',
'ukraine' => 'Ukraine',
'vatican' => 'Vatican City',
'Océanie' => array(
'australie' => 'Australia',
'fidji' => 'Fiji',
'kiribati' => 'Kiribati',
'marshall' => 'Marshall',
'micronesie' => 'Federated States of Micronesia',
'nauru' => 'Nauru',
'nouvelleZelande' => 'New Zealand',
'palaos' => 'Palau',
'papouasieNouvelleGuinee' => 'Papua new guinea',
'salomon' => 'Salomon',
'samoa' => 'Samoa',
'tonga' => 'Tonga',
'tuvalu' => 'Tuvalu',
'vanuatu' => 'Vanuatu',

Then just apply a asort on it to sort it and conserving the keys ;) (php)

PS: I know my PHP Code in the previous post wasn't perfect, that wasn't the goal. I wrote it in 2 min max.
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